Mission Trips


June 3-13 & June 10-20

For the first time in 2025, we will be leading two separate trips to Uganda! 

Group One

The first group of Conduits will be focusing on the 8 churches located close to Kampala.  

We will visit Good Samaritan School, Back to the Bible Training Institute (BBT) and the 8 churches/schools previously planted by Conduit Church in the last 10 years.

Group 2

The second group will also visit Good Samaritan School and BBT, as well as the two northern churches/schools planted in 2023 & 2024. (This trip will involve more travel time and may not be best option for a “first timer.”)

Instead of planting a new church, as we have done in previous trips, this year we will focus on pouring into the existing churches, schools, teachers and Pastors. While one church may need teacher support or additional curriculum, another may need sports gear, Bibles or books for the library. 

Every one one of them desires connection with their American Conduit family, so we will play with kids, support teachers and experience all that the LORD is doing in Uganda.



Approximately $3,800.
This includes airfare, hotels, transportation, and meals. 

A deposit of $500 is due Feb 10, 2025, followed by regular additional payments. Payment must be paid in full by 5/3/25.


  • yellow fever vaccination is required for each participant, per Ugandan Travel regulations. (usually $350 - valid for lifetime)

  • Uganda Travel Visa ($50) 


Apply to join us on one of two trips to visit our brothers and sisters in Uganda, this June!

If you have any questions, contact our Trip Coordinator, Holly Plotts at holly@conduitmission.org